Technical tips

The resin we use is an abs-like resin, it is not affected by plastic cement, enamel, white spirit or IPA thinners; the resin has an oily component in its formula that sometimes appears on the surface, IPA is the best way for cleaning it.

This resin can be drilled and sanded even with low speed power tools and shaved. If you need to cut it, it is better to use photoetched micro saws rather than hobby knifes because it is a little bit brittle and prone to chip under a blade. Don’t be tented to snap supports by hand or cut them with nippers: to remove supports micro saws is the best way. Use nippers only on hard to reach supports.

Sanding resin parts produces a very fine dust that is better no to inhale, so wearing a mask is advisable.

Due to the printing technology some surfaces may not be very smooth and some layer lines can be evident on the surface. It is a normal part of printing technology and notwithstanding our better efforts in same parts they appear, sometimes. The best way to remove them is lightly sanding with 3M Scotch Brite MX-SR UFN and VFN, or similar non-woven abrasive surface conditioner, you can easily find in every DIY shop all-over the world (and in this shop as well). Please be particularly careful on curved surfaces where printing lines are usually more visible.

We suggest to rub surfaces with Scotch-Brite anyway, just a subtle sanding, it helps parts to better receive paint too. In our experience Scotch-Brite or similar stuffs are very effective and highly recommended.

We have test-painted parts with Tamiya, Gunze and Mr Color acrylics, laquers and enamel paints without any inconvenient.

We have NOT tested ALL PAINTS in the market, so if you should experience some inconvenient with specific paint brand please let us know as soon as possible..

Last but not least, please have in mind that our parts are normally designed and engineered as replacement parts and or conversion of existing model kit parts. In some occasions it will be required to cut or to thin or resize original parts, so dry-fitting is the key, dry-fit, dry-fit and dry-fit.

As the Master said: measure twice, cut once. Still the best rule around.

Happy modelling.


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